(Winterthur 1723 - 1786 Bern)
Vûe de Lausanne. Dessiné par J. L. Aberli, et gravé par B. A. Dunker. avec Privilège.
Col. um. Etching. 20.5:34.5 cm.
Geiser 112.
Johann Ludwig Aberli is one of the most important Swiss small masters and at the same time one of the founders and forerunners of Swiss Romanticism. His love of nature and enthusiasm made him one of the first artists to treat a veduta, i.e. an exact view of a section of a landscape, artistically. He also developed the so-called "Aberlische Manier", a technique of watercolor outline etching, which he had protected by "privilege" in Bern in 1766. He also used a specially developed technique with three primary colors for painting, which his friend and pupil Heinrich Rieter handed down to us in a New Year's piece from 1817. [14456].
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